Carrot and Beet seed production
GOLDEN BEET and YELLOWSTONE CARROT _______________________ MAY 13, 2022 WHEN SEEDS GET HARD TO FIND....GROW YOUR OWN These stecklings (roots) were grown at the Missoula Grain and Vegetable...
Carrot and Beet seed production
GOLDEN BEET and YELLOWSTONE CARROT _______________________ MAY 13, 2022 WHEN SEEDS GET HARD TO FIND....GROW YOUR OWN These stecklings (roots) were grown at the Missoula Grain and Vegetable...

Butterflies NEED Native Plants: A Look at the M...
Many butterflies and bees rely on specific native plants as larvae. The monarch's relationship with milkweed is a great example of this connection forged between insects and plants.
Butterflies NEED Native Plants: A Look at the M...
Many butterflies and bees rely on specific native plants as larvae. The monarch's relationship with milkweed is a great example of this connection forged between insects and plants.

DIY Easy At-Home Germ Test
Here is an easy home method to do a germination test, or germ test. Figure out what percentage of your seed will grow to make plants next season.
DIY Easy At-Home Germ Test
Here is an easy home method to do a germination test, or germ test. Figure out what percentage of your seed will grow to make plants next season.

Milkweed Seed Harvesting and Processing
Monarchs are in decline and they NEED milkweed to survive. Here is a brief run-down of how we find it easiest to harvest milkweed seeds. There are several ways to...
Milkweed Seed Harvesting and Processing
Monarchs are in decline and they NEED milkweed to survive. Here is a brief run-down of how we find it easiest to harvest milkweed seeds. There are several ways to...
Squash Hand Pollination
Keep your squash seed pure with this simple hand pollination technique. Timing is everything, though.
Squash Hand Pollination
Keep your squash seed pure with this simple hand pollination technique. Timing is everything, though.

Fermentation Seed Saving
Want to save your own tomato seed? Raspberry seed? Fermenting many kinds of fruit seeds helps clean and prepare them for planting next season. Here is a step-by-step guide to...
Fermentation Seed Saving
Want to save your own tomato seed? Raspberry seed? Fermenting many kinds of fruit seeds helps clean and prepare them for planting next season. Here is a step-by-step guide to...